Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, 2012
Preface WORD ODF
Major figures of Family Income and Expenditure EXCEL ODF
Tables for the past years
1.Current receipts and disposable income EXCEL ODF
2.Sources of current receipts EXCEL ODF
3.Average disposable income per household by disposable income quintile EXCEL ODF
4.Percentage share of disposable income by quintile group of households and income inequality indices EXCEL ODF
5.Per capita disposable income inequality indices EXCEL ODF
6.The changes of disposable income occurred by current transfers between households and government EXCEL ODF
7.Boundary between each disposable income decile EXCEL ODF
8.Income distribution in selected countries EXCEL ODF
9.Disposable income, consumption expenditure, and savings EXCEL ODF
10.Average consumption expenditure per household by disposable income quintile EXCEL ODF
11.Average savings per household by disposable income quintile EXCEL ODF
12.Average disposable income per household by sex of households heads and average disposable income of income recipients by sex EXCEL ODF
13.Percent distribution of total expenditures EXCEL ODF
14.Average disposable income per household and per capita disposable income by farm or non-farm households EXCEL ODF
15.Farm households income from agricultural and non-agricultural EXCEL ODF
16.Percentage share of disposable income by quintile groups of income recipients and measures of income distribution EXCEL ODF
17.Boundary between each disposable income decile of income recipients EXCEL ODF
18.Mean and median disposable income of income recipients by industry EXCEL ODF
19.Mean and median disposable income of income recipients by occupation EXCEL ODF
20.Mean and median disposable income of income recipients by educational attainment EXCEL ODF
21.Percentage share of primary income and number of income recipients of Taiwan area by place of work EXCEL ODF
22.Number of income recipients,percentages of income recipients by age and by sex EXCEL ODF
23.Housing-dwelling space,percentages of households with piped water and housing tenure EXCEL ODF
24.Percentages of households with household equipment and appliances EXCEL ODF
25.Number of households,average number of persons and persons employed per household by farm or non-farm EXCEL ODF
26.Average number of persons and employed persons per household by disposable income quintile EXCEL ODF
27.Percent distribution by size of household EXCEL ODF
28.Average primary income per employed person by occupation EXCEL ODF
Table in 2012
1.Average family income and expenditure per household by size of household EXCEL ODF
2.Average family income and expenditure per household by areas EXCEL ODF
3.Average family income and expenditure per household by farm or non-farm EXCEL ODF
4.Average family income and expenditure per household by occupation of household heads EXCEL ODF
5.Average family income and expenditure per household by type of families EXCEL ODF
6.Average family income and expenditure per household by five equal divisions of households according to disposable income EXCEL ODF
7.Average family income and expenditure per household by five equal divisions of households according to disposable income and sex,age,and educational attainment of household heads EXCEL ODF
8.Household housing and household facilities by areas EXCEL ODF
9.Household housing and household facilities by farm or non-farm EXCEL ODF
10.Household housing and household facilities by five equal divisions of households according to disposable income EXCEL ODF
11.Numbers of households by current receipts groups and sex of household heads EXCEL ODF
Income Recipients
1.Income sources of income recipients by areas EXCEL ODF
2.Income sources of income recipients by occupation EXCEL ODF
3.Income sources of income recipients by five equal divisions of recipients according to disposable income EXCEL ODF
4.Average disposable income per income recipient by five equal divisions of recipients according to disposable income, sex, age, and educational attainment EXCEL ODF
5.Income sources of income recipients by farm or non-farm EXCEL ODF
6.Numbers of income recipients by sex and disposable income groups EXCEL ODF
Appendix 1.Glossary WORD ODF
Appendix 2.Survey methods WORD ODF
Appendix 3.Reference tables WORD ODF
Appendix 4.Questionnaire form WORD ODF
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